Powerful Online Form Builder

The easy to use FlexForms online form builder gives you the power of creating exactly what you want

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Drag & Drop

Quickly build a usable form using a combination of available controls. Using the drag & drop interface, the controls can be dragged from the toolbox into different form sections.


Mobile Friendly

FlexForms are fully responsive and can be interacted with on any mobile device without additional configuration. Even the most advanced controls such as repeating tables are usable on any mobile device.

Template Forms

Get started with the ready to use fully customizable form templates.


Unstructured Forms

Unlock powerful reporting capabilities by transforming existing PDF, Word, Excel or image files into mobile friendly forms.

Lookup Forms

Create lists of frequently used business data that can be used as lookups in other forms. i.e. Vendor lists, product lists, expense types.


Team Forms

Share a form with users to collaborate with in real-time; ability to see their user participation status.

Repeating Tables

A collection of controls that can be configured in a repeating structure; Offering business users tremendous flexibility in form design which was in the past left only to developers.


Reusable Form Sections

Build forms using previously created sections to save time.

Form Conditional Logic

Add more flexibility to forms with the use of conditional logic. Hide or require fields and sections based on input entered in the form.


Custom Themes

Use custom themes to brand forms to look just like they were custom built.

Form Builder Security

Get help building your forms from team members by assigning permissions.
